Marbella is a city in Spain where tourists have a significant amount of activities to keep busy. Using research of this city, its origin, and the many different popular attractions for tourists to feel and see the culture of the city, this project shows a brochure designed specifically for tourists.
Marbella Tourism Brochure
Educational | Ashley
Concept and Implementation
The concept of this project was to research a well-traveled city and create an attractive brochure that specifically caters to tourist activity. I researched this city in Spain and found not only common activities for tourists, but enjoyable cultural activities that locals regularly participate in, such as Flamenco. The design for this brochure instills a modern creative style that is eye-catching for the audience, while using vibrant colors to match the city culture and style. This brochure reflects Marbella to ensure that tourists have plenty of activities during their visit and an accurate idea of the city lifestyle. This project is completely educational.